Jury Duty Scams are occurring more often in Florida, State officials from Tallahassee to Miami have issued warnings about the latest wave of jury duty scams.
New Law enhances penalties for threatening court personnel. Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed HB 67, a bill that makes it a crime to threaten a justice, judicial assistant, and other court personnel with death or “serious bodily injury.”
Florida man gets 30 years for distracted driving case that killed 9 year old boy.
New law makes it a felony to attack a defense attorney or public defender.
Trampoline parks can be held liable for injuries.
Florida prosecutors continue with pending cases despite permitless carry law.
Florida lawmakers pass bill to protect certain victims from giving depositions.
Juvenile suspect confessions obtained by deception could end with new bill.
Bill would prohibit sentencing no-show jurors to more than three days in jail.
Major changes proposed for Florida’s Tort Laws