A Strong Child Pornography Defense team is crucial to protecting the freedom and rights of defendantsOur Tampa Bay area Child Pornography Defense Lawyers understand the difficult situations many families face when someone they know or love is facing these types of charges.  Anyone who is facing child pornography charges will be dealing with very severe consequences. Defendants are likely facing one of the most stressful and frightening periods of their life. Although they are innocent until proven guilty, it likely won’t feel that way for them, even if they are completely innocent.

We like to remind and encourage all defendants to exercise their right to remain silent, and their right to an attorney. Defendants often risk making matters worse if they speak with police, such as being misunderstood or having their words twisted.

For first-time offenders who aren’t familiar with how intolerant Florida courts tend to be when it comes to these types of charges, it can be a very unpleasant and frightening experience.

Our child pornography defense lawyers stand between defendants and the full force of the criminal justice system. With the intense bias that is often inherent in these types of cases, we ensure that every possible legal action is taken to protect our client’s rights to fair treatment.  We are here for them, working on their side every step of the way. We’re not here to judge anyone or their actions.

With freedom and reputation on the line, there is no time to waste.  We won’t take a chance on any corners being cut in your defense.

A QUICK LOOK AT Florida Child Pornography Laws:

  1. A person is guilty of the use of a child in a sexual performance if, knowing the character and content thereof, he or she employs, authorizes, or induces a child less than 18 years of age to engage in a sexual performance or, being a parent, legal guardian, or custodian of such child, consents to the participation by such child in a sexual performance; 2nd degree felony.
  2. A person is guilty of promoting a sexual performance by a child when, knowing the character and content thereof, he or she produces, directs, or promotes any performance which includes sexual conduct by a child less than 18 years of age; 2nd degree felony.
  3. It is unlawful for any person to possess with the intent to promote any photograph, motion picture, exhibition, show, representation, or other presentation which, in whole or in part, includes any sexual conduct by a child; 2nd degree felony.
  4. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly possess, control, or intentionally view a photograph, motion picture, exhibition, show, representation, image, data, computer depiction, or other presentation which, in whole or in part, he or she knows to include any sexual conduct by a child; 3rd degree felony.

Sentences and Penalties:

  • 2nd Degree Felony: Up to 15 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.
  • 3rd Degree Felony: Up to 5 years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines.

Additionally, convictions for some of the offenses related to child pornography require registration as sex offenders in the Florida Sex Offender Database.

If you or someone you know has been charged with any type of child pornography, it is important to act immediately in order to preserve every possible opportunity for a stronger defense.

Take advantage of our FREE consultation and case evaluation to can gain a better understanding of the charges and the potential consequences, and we can begin helping right away.

I used this awesome and very professional law firm and got what I wanted THANK YOU FERNANDEZ LAW GROUP I WILL HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOUR LAW FIRM TO EVERYONE – Ju B. on Facebook

We are here to represent everyone’s best interests and provide the best possible outcome, regardless of the severity of the charges.

Our CHILD PORNOGRAPHY Defense Lawyers are aggressive, dedicated and experienced.

If you someone you know is facing charges for child pornography, the consequences can be very serious if there is a conviction. A highly skilled child pornography defense attorney can help defend against these types of charges, but many lack experience in dealing with these specific crimes. There are also very few Florida child pornography defense lawyers who also have experience as former prosecutors and are also qualified to practice in federal courts.

At Fernandez Law Group, our team of child pornography defense lawyers work diligently at scrutinizing over every single last detail in your case in order to find any flaws or errors in the police procedure. These errors can lead to reduction in charges, fines, and sentencing. In some cases, we’ve even had cases that were completely dismissed. We will pay very close attention to your case and review it with you on a continual basis.

It is important to remember that the prosecution is rarely going to offer you their best deal up front. And the consequences that result in convictions for child pornography can lead to complications and hardships down the road. Our attorneys know what it takes to fight these charges and have successfully put the prosecution in a position where they have reduced charges from sex crimes to disorderly conduct and other simple violations.

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the United States, and the burden of proof lies with the prosecutor. We use our former prosecutorial experience to find every possible weakness in the case that we can use in your defense in order to give you the best possible advantage. We carefully review all evidence in order to find the best possible defense that will give you the highest chances for success in court.

And once the case goes to court, our trial experience has given us the insight and skills needed to carefully cross-examine law enforcement and other key witnesses to break their testimony apart. We have no problem challenging witness testimony whenever appropriate or possible.

Entrapment can lead to a reduction in charges.

When you hire a child pornography defense team with experience in defending child pornography charges, you have the advantage of their knowledge in how to find holes in the prosecution’s case while identifying key strategies to use in your defense.

Here at Fernandez Law Group, many of the cases we’ve seen involving child pornography also involved some form of entrapment. Often the result of police stings, entrapment occurs when an individual commits a crime after being baited or lured into doing so. For example, an officer may pose as someone else online and arrest an individual for sharing illegal files.

Part of the intent of the officers involved in any sting is to trick people into committing crime. But the use of entrapment is debatable and we find many individuals would not commit these crimes if the temptation or thought wasn’t put into their heads in the first place.

As your child pornography defense lawyers, our goal is to provide you with experienced and aggressive representation in order to help get you the best possible outcome when faced with any charges. And if you’re dealing with any type of violation for child pornography or you’ve been charged with child pornography, you need to contact a criminal defense attorney with experience in these types of crimes right away.

Don’t be intimidated, come in and talk to us. The consultation is free. We can help you.


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