6 signs of a strong personal injury claim


Whenever a personal injury occurs, many people might not realize whether or not they are entitled to compensation for damages.  Others might feel they are entitled, but scared to pursue.  And in situations where a case might be extremely strong, the other party may try to discredit and intimidate the victim into settling for less or nothing at all.

While the results of potential personal injury cases may be uncertain, our team of experienced Tampa personal injury lawyers are here to help.  Our free, no obligation consultation and detailed case review can help give you a better understanding of the potential of your case.  And if you are entitled to a claim, we’re ready to fight aggressively on your behalf.

Here are 6 signs of a strong personal injury claim:

1.  The liable party admitted guilt

One of the most effective weapons for a lawyer when preparing to take a personal injury to court is when a defendant has admitted guilt.  This often occurs before litigation.  It is not uncommon for defendants to admit their guilt at the scene of an accident.

2.  You have proof the defendant breached the duty of care

Duty of care is the responsibility every has to try and avoid causing harm to others.

Whenever someone suffers injuries because of someone else’s reckless behavior or disregard for the safety of others, a duty of care is breached.  Business owners, car drivers, rideshare services, private and commercial landowners, truck drivers and boaters are often the focal point of Tampa personal injury claims due to breach of duty of care.

3.  You have severe medical injuries

Anytime you suffer serious injuries that can be proved in court with medical evidence, you likely have a very strong case.  Medical bills, doctor appointments and records showing cost of treatment are necessary to help provide extra assurance that a case is legitimate and worth pursuing – and therefore, more likely to have a favorable outcome.

4.  The accident led to personal damages

Recovering damages is a basic goal of every personal injury case.  Financial and emotional losses are often covered by the at-fault party.If you’ve experienced similar losses, you likely have grounds for a lawsuit.

5.  There is photographic evidence

Real-time accident capture from dash cams, surveillance cameras, traffic cameras and witnesses often provide some of the strongest and most compelling evidence in personal injury cases.  This type of evidence can easily back up the allegations of a plaintiff and demonstrate the carelessness of a defendant.

6.  You didn’t make any mistakes

Sometimes even the strongest personal injury cases can fall apart if a victim makes seemingly innocent, yet significant mistakes.  These include:

  • Posting on social media after any accident or injury
  • Not seeking immediate medical care after the incident in question
  • Admitting fault, especially to the insurers
  • Ignoring the advice of doctors
  • Not having adequate documentation of medical records
  • Giving consent to insurers to record your statements
  • Signing official documents given by insurance adjusters
  • Not hiring a personal injury lawyer

Our Tampa Personal Injury Lawyers and dedicated support staff will focus on your needs while providing superior, effective, and vigorous representation of your interests.

We are paid for our legal services only if we obtain a recovery on your behalf, and we will come to your home or to the hospital for your convenience.


Learn More:  https://thefernandezlawgroup.com/tampa-personal-injury-lawyers/

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